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  • Writer's pictureRobert Thomas

Plan for Health and Wellness Update

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, Reforming Rob! Thank you for joining me for a few minutes today. In the last post, I talked about family time and how we can improve family experiences with more gratitude and the right attitude. In today's post, I'm going to share the results of my health and wellness plan so far. Progress!

What Is All This For?

If you're new to the blog, in January this year I made the choice to begin a journey of self-healing and remodeling my mental, physical, and spiritual health. Chronic pain and debilitating mental health issues have severely limited my abilities over the last few years, and even resulted in my leaving a company and career of 31 years. My thought was to focus on improvements I could make myself, or in other words, what results a self-reliance approach to regaining or maintaining health and wellness could be possible.

I began this journey with an honest study on my current condition physically, mentally, and spiritually. Armed with that baseline, I created a plan for health and wellness. A simple plan of daily and weekly tasks that I believed may be helpful was carefully developed, and I've been following this self-developed health plan now for seven weeks. In the photos you'll see copies of the plans as poste on the door of my closet.

A simple excel spreadsheet with daily runs and assigned calesthenics noted
My physical fitness improvment plan

A short list of daily and weekly tasks for mental health
Mental/Spiritual improvement plan

If you'd like more information on how or why I built these specific tasks, please take a look at my other blog posts for a detailed explanation, or you can watch the corresponding video on my YouTube channel, Reforming Rob.

What We Measure Improves

An important part of my plan for improving my health is to have regularly scheduled "tests" to determine improvement or understand where change may be needed. For the upcoming year, every 6 weeks I will complete a Physical Fitness Test (or PFT) with an accompanying mental/spiritual wellness reflection that will be documented. This week I completed my second PFT and reflection. The physical fitness results can be found below.

A simple excel spreadsheet showing physical fitness attributes for one day comared to another day 7 weeks later
Physical Fitness Test Results compared to baseline

Mental Health Reflection

I was down in the kitchen yesterday morning preparing some dough for pizza that we'd have that night. My wife walked past me and said, "you sure sound happy today". She commented that she had overheard me singing three times that morning (poor Anne!). At any rate, her comments are a big reflection on where I am mentally and spiritually. It really does speak to how I feel overall. I do feel, mentally and physically, so much better! I still have a long way to go. I have trouble sleeping. My endurance is extremely limited, usually searching for my recliner after lunch. Pain is still an issue, but I'm resigned to the fact that it will be, at some level, for the rest of my life. All that said, however, PROGRESS is so satisfying! I'm going to keep pressing forward, staying on my plan as exactly as possible.

Please join me in this journey. I would love to hear your stories and experience with what works for you, or where you struggle. "Connecting with people" meaningfully is something I've struggled with my whole life, but also may be one of the strongest medicines I can find, so I'd love to connect. Comment below, visit my YouTube channel and make comments, or just send me an email.

Thanks again for your time. Please raise a glass of Diet Dr. Pepper with me in celebration of some progress!

Until next time...


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